Wednesday 19 June 2013

Mossman QLD

Monday 3rd of June
We left Cairns and headed 82km up the Captain Cook highway to Mossman via Palm Cove for a look around. While in Cairns I had book a powered site at the Mossman Riverside Leisure Park for 2 nights. On arrival we were given our site number and set up camp. Mossman Riverside Leisure Park isn't a big park with just over 60 site, only 3-4 that were permements. The people who run the park also run the adjacent 50 metre swimming pool and park guests which park guests are allowed to use free of charge. (We didn't get much time for a swim). 

Mossman Riverside Leisure Park - our camp site on the right of the photo.

After setting up we packed a picnic lunch and went out to Mossman Gorge. We parked the car at the centre and paid for the eco shuttle bus ($6 per adult return and the boys were free as under 5) which took you the 2km into the centre of the Gorge. For there is was a short stroll along a boardwalk to the popular swimming hole. Where we sat on the sand and ate our lunch with help from some cheeky bush turkeys before J and I went for a swim.

The view of Mossman Gorge swimming hole from our picnic spot

J enjoying a swim at the Mossman Gorge swimming hole.

A found the water too cool so he and Rob went exploring the boardwalk and other walking trails while J and I continued to enjoy the water.

We then walked back to the bus stop to take the Eco shuttle back to the centre

We went back to the caravan park for a late sleep but neither boy was interested in sleeping. I had arranged to met up with good friends, Renee and Greg (fellow Victorians and horse breeders) and their son Xaiver who is the same age as J late in the afternoon. They were up escaping the cold for a family holiday in Port Douglas. The boys had a play down at the beach and the first thing I noticed was how warm the water was given how late in the day it was. The boys had a ball together and after a swim we headed to the Main Street for dinner and ice cream. 

Tuesday 4th of June
Today we had planned to explore the Daintree and Cape Tribulation.
Our first stop was the Daintree Rainforest River Cruises where we had booked on the 10am cruise

The sun was really out yet so the crocodiles were a bit shy but we did spot two.
Our first Croc that we spotted

Looking back up the Daintree River towards the Daintree Village 

J was captain of the boat for a short time, he even helped spot the second croc

After our cruise we waiting for a spot on the Daintree River Car Ferry, it's the only way to get over the croc infested river and u to Cape Tribulation

The Daintree River Car Ferry 

We then drove the hour and a half through the Daintree rainforest up to Cape Tribulation. Both boys had fallen alseep so we decided to drive up further north and have a look at Emmagen Creek which is where the Bloomfield track starts and 4WD access only from here on to Cooktown. There is also a swimming hole here which is crocodile free and access to the beach which on low tide you can walk back to Cape Tribulation. We would have loved to continue on the Bloomfield track up to the Lions Den but that will have to be another time maybe when the boys are older and we swap the caravan for a camper trailer. 

Crossing the Emmagen Creek 

We had lunch back at Cape Tribulation Beach where there are several tables and chairs before the boys had a play on the beach.

Cape tribulation beach from the look out

J and A having fun at Cape Tribulation Beach

J has been learning all about Captain Cook since we did a tour of the Replica of the Endeavour in Sydney. He was excited to learn that Cape Tribulation was named by Captain cook in june 1770 as it was when all his troubles began after hitting the reef twice.

Driving back to the car ferry the Caption of the cruise boat had told us to call in to the Daintree Ice Cream Company where they grow exotic fruits and make them into ice cream. Today's favours where Soursop, Mango, Black Sabte and Wattle seed. ( You dont get to choose your flavouring it just what ever 4 flavours they have made up on that day) Beside the Mango I hadn't tried the fruit let alone the I cream but was pleasantly surprised.

Soursob is on the bottom the white looking ice cream, and then clock wise from the top Mango, Wattleseed and Black Sabte.

When the did a self guided walk around the farm looking at the various trees and bushes

J standing at a tea Bush

There is only one way over and therefore only one way back from Cape Trib. 
Waiting to get of the Daintree Car ferry

So that ends our time in Mossman. Next Stop.....Lions Den Hotel and Cooktown via the bitumen highway

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