Thursday 20 June 2013

Mareeba QLD

Friday 7th of June

Once again we left a little earlier than normal for the big drive  (242km) down to Mareeba. After speaking to a few other campers at the Lions den who suggested the Mareeba Rodeo grounds  (Camps 7.  QLD 188) we headed there. On arrival the place was huge, they line you up at the reception and you are taken to your site by a quad bike. This place is run by volunteers (other travellers) it's $16 a night for power for a couple and my boys were free as below school age (otherwise its an extra $7 per person). There is provisions for 300 caravans on powered sites with an average of just over 100 every night while we were there and is dog friendly. The amenities ( well the ones closest to the main road) were the cleanest I have seen while travelling, sparkly white tiles and white grout and super hot water. There is a laundry there as well if needed. We booked in for 3 nights with the option of staying longer if need be (which turned out to be 7 in the end) There is no stay term here the grounds, its open from April through to November the later depending on demand. Many of the travellers are here for 3-4 months. 

The view from our van to the next row, none of this jamming in like sardines. 

The view from our van to show the huge amount of room

Saturday 8th of June
 Was market day at the bi century park so we ventured down and bought some lovely fruit and veggies. While walking around we hear "Fancy running into you again" we turn around to see Chris and Jan from South Australia. We first met them at Blackall (outback Qld) when they were camped at the same free camp and then again at Longreach and Winton. They were travelling with another couple from South Australia Trevour and Rhonda whose little dog Hamish had become James' little friend. (see the Winton blog post). They left us  at Winton when they headed to Normanton and Kuramba while we headed to Charters Towers. We got chatting and low and behold they too were camped out at the rodeo grounds. 

After the market we headed next door to the tourist information centre and the free the heritage museum of the area with a big section on the tobacco industry. Out the front was a the big Brahman bull so of course we had to have a photo

Sunday 9th June
Today we took a drive to Lake Tinnaroo, a man made dam with inflows and outflows from the Barron River. They had a saling regatta on but the weather looked to be turning nasty so we headed to Atherton for a look around. It's amazing the changes in weather, we left Mareeba only 35kms away the sun was shinning we arrive a lake Tinaroo to misty rain, and 6degrees cooler the same in Atherton, yet when we arrived back at the campsite beautiful and 24 with the sun out.
Lake Tinaroo, when full is 2/3 the size of Syndey Habour

Dam wall at lake Tinaroo which is 45 m high

The other side of the dam wall at Lake Tinaroo.

Monday 10th of June

We had planned to head off to today but Rob had come down with the flu. So the boys and I headed up the Skybury The Australian Coffee centre for morning tea of scones jam and cream. While I ordered a latte J had a baby Chino and Poor A had to settle for water and a banana. (The joys of having food introlerances)

While A had his afternoon sleep J was busy walking some of the dogs here or playing ball with them. His too favourites was a Beagle cross called missy she was only a pup and 3 year old Rottiwheeler named Carly, Most days he played with the dogs or rode his bike around or play soccer. While there was really anything for the kids to do the boys sure had fun.  

Tuesday 11th June
Another home day Rob was feeling better so the boys and him attempted some cricket at the cricket nets. Washing and cooking needed to be done.

Wednesday 13th June 

Today we drove 54km to a little town in the tablelands called Malanda in hope that the butcher shop there would have some gluten free preservative free sausages for A. Sadly all they had were chicken and corn and corn is just one of the many food introlerances that A has. Just before you come into town we stopped and had a look at Malanda Falls. A lovely waterfall with a swimming hole there.

Malanda Falls

We then headed over to Yugaburra to have a look at the curtain fig tree which is one of the largest trees in tropical North Queensland. Beautiful area with a boardwalk from the road which is suitable for prams. Before heading back to Mareeba for A afternoon sleep.

Thursday 14th June

Poor A had caught Robs flu with a temperature of 39. He spend most of the days sleeping so we had what we call a home day, ( where we just hang out at our campsite)

We really like this campground friendly people amazing sunsets and just so much space and still close to everything (Cairns is only 45 minutes away they tell me). Definelty one to return too

An amazing sunset over the back of the rodeo grounds. 

Thankfully A was much better on Friday so we packed up and headed to our next destination........Ravenshoe 

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