Saturday 28 September 2013

Howlong NSW

Monday 12th August

Today we left Wagga Wagga and headed to see another friend this time travelling 150km to Howlong on the Victoria / NSW boarder. Once again we hadn't booked in advance but gathered at this time of year there was plenty of room. We booked in for 3 nights at the Howlong Holiday Park and choose a site down the back as it was extremely wet. We arrived just before lunch and headed to the bakery with our friend and her family for lunch before A went to have his afternoon sleep and we headed to the house so the older boys could play. Was lovely to sit inside with the fire going and catch up.

Tuesday 13th August

Today we headed into Wodonga to do dome paperwork with the new car at VicRoads. We  Had planned to catch up with the boys again as they had an appointment in Wodonga. We spent mid morning at Scrambes play centre where the boys run off plenty of energy. The afternoon was spent relaxing and catching up at the house before a lovely roast dinner.

Wednesday 14th August

Today we went for a drive out to see Lake Hume just 10kms out of Albury. We were very lucky when we arrived as they were realising water from Lake Hume into the Murray River.

The mighty Murray river

Lake hume dam wall

Lake Hume

Once again we spent the afternoon at our friends house while A slept.

Next Stop.....Echuca

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