Thursday 30 May 2013

Longreach QLD

Thursday 9th of May We left Barcaldine and travelled 107km to Longreach. One our way we stopped for morning tea at illfracombe and to see the Magic Mile of Machinery and the Wellshot centre. A great free attraction with wonderful displays.

Menu from the Wellshot station museum

Menu from the Wellshot station museum

Back on the road to Longreach. The free camp here were we told had no shade and was very dusty so i rang and booked ahead The Longreach Tourist Park for 4 nights on a powered site. We payed $30 per night and children under 5 was free. This is a huge caravan park but our site was lovely with trees boarding the site and across from the clean amenities and the spas. We set up them went into town for lunch and to so some grocery shopping as well as booking our tours before returning to the park for a swim while A had his afternoon sleep

Longreach Tourist park - view of our site

One of the many Brolgas that wonder the caravan park

Friday 10th May Today we had booked in at 10am for the Kinnon and Co Royal Mail Gallop a 45 minute stagecoach ride. A little on the expensive side at $59 each per adults and J was $15 as he was 4 and under. Rob and the boys sat in the stagecoach while I sat up the back. They provided ear phone and commenting during the tour and the boys had such fun.

Saturday 11th May. 
Today we decided to go to the Stockmans Hall of Fame. This was one place Rob had flagged as a must see when in Longreach. 

We arrived at 9.30am and booked into the museum and the outback stockmans show and the Hugh Sawery Art Gallery. Admission was adults $45 and under 5 were free. The show didn't start till 11 am so we wondered through the museum looking at the various exhibitions. J loved the touch screen audiovisual presentations showing the history of the outback and the children's discovery drawers where he could touch some of the museums collections while we explained what they were. Within the museum there is a section dedicated to the Royal Flying doctors service. Both J and I found it interesting listening to 4 different call outs from isolated stations ( chest pains, diarrhoea, asthma and a snake bite). The doctors explained what treatment and medications to use and each station has their own medical chest containing a range of pharmaceutical and non pharmaceutical items which is all numbered allowing the people on the station to easily find it.  11am the cow bell rang for the Outback Show, the boys thought it was great with all the singing and performing horses, dogs and a steer but I found it a tad lame  in trying to represent the past. 

After the show Rob went and got a past out which is valid for 2 days allowing re entry into the museum if need be. Doing museums with children especially young children you do miss things. Rob went back that afternoon to continue reading and exploring. 

That night we decided to go to the restaurant ( more like a pub) that is in the caravan park. Great meals, with a kids area and the the guy from the outback show at the stockmans hall of fame was signing as the entertainment. He was actually a very good singer and has his own album out

Sunday 12th May Mothers Day

Mother's Day, the boys were told not to get me anything but I woke to two little boys with a large box of maltesters on my bed and $3. The $3 was for pancakes that the caravan park put on for breakfast and the money going to The National Breast Cancer Foundation.  So we headed over and had pancakes before heading over to our tour at the Qantas Founders museum which I had booked on the Friday.

Admission was $54.50 per adult and children 5 and under we're free. This was for the Museum entry and the guided Jet Tour which went for an hour and was very interesting. I think both Rob and I won't look at a 747 the same now( all in a good way). 

The tour guide showed us the Catalina a floating type boat used between 1943 and 1945, the 747 which starting flying in 1979 and after 2000 trips was retired and is now on display here in Longreach and the 707 which was built in 1957. The tour guide took us through both the 747 and the 707 and also underneath the 747 explaining what each of the implements both inside and out we're responsible for. We then had our photo taken inside the number 1 engine jet of the 747 before returning and going through the museum and out it the original  Qantas Hanger. 

The Qantas 747 plane

Douglas C-47

The Qantas 707 jet

After exploring the museum and it plane we decided to have the roast lunch at the McGinness restaurant at the museum before heading home for a to have a sleep. Like the Stockmans Hall of fame you are able to have a pass out to come back and explore the museum the next day. 

This concludes our time in Longreach, next stop Winton

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